Saturday, October 19, 2013

Off to Aberdeen We Go

   Our first voyage requiring a plane ride since we have been in Europe-we are in Scotland visiting some friends from Durango who moved here a few months prior to our trip to France. An early start rewarded us with a gorgeous sunrise even though it was on the autoroute. Actually, I kinda like cruising along the autoroute at 130 km an hour. I suppose large interstates in America have similar speed limits, but it is more fun in France. I don't know why. I guess because 130 km. sounds alot faster than 80 mph.
   We thought we had hours to waste, but after parking in the cheap lot, getting to the airport from the cheap lot, figuring out the kiosks for boarding passes in French, checking bags, getting through security-the usual busy airport mayhem, it was time for takeoff. Here is what I liked about Lufthansa in France- free snack sandwiches which were actually kinda edible, and free wine.
   We had a long layover in Frankfort and I promised lunch, knowing we could get a good sausage! Sure enough, airport food in Frankfort was perfectly acceptable, too. Up into the clouds we went again,  more free food and wine then we arrived in grey, cold, windy Aberdeen, Scotland on the North Sea-way up there. I am sure this is the furthest north I have ever been. After getting a grilling from the immigration guy, it was wonderful to see familiar faces and hear nothing but English. Oh, how easy the next week will be!
The A8 sunrise

DOn't really know what it is - a ham-like meat, hard cooked egg, relish sammy

The Alps from 30,000 feet-looks pretty good for mid-October.

Morning walk along the North Sea

The sun came out at Loch Ness-we did not spot Nessy, but saw quite alot of unexplainable wake.

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