Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rainy Days

   Two days of nonstop rain- I am not good at dreary weather. I guess that is why I opted to live in the Desert Southwest. As my provincial home for a year is in a very rural area, there is not alot of indoor activity. Honestly, my kids are perfectly entertained playing and surfing the net. I may be bonkers before the end of tomorrow-yes, it is fore-casted to continue.
   I had my first French emergency room visit last week- everyone is fine, it wasn't even my child, but I had to escort a young friend who's parent was unreachable. She took a fall at the stable and a hoof to the face, luckily only cutting her eyelid, but enough to require a few stitches. I tried my best to stay behind the ambulance, but they lost me in the first 15 minutes. No offense to the American emergency room visit, but it was quite similar. Once we go there, we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited some more then she was finally attended to. I had to leave my kids unattended in the waiting room for hours
while I sat with our friend. God knows what kind of mischief they got into. Sorry, I don't have any insider photos of the place.
   There was an atelier at the Carces library today, where there were several stations of creative women hosting tables for kids to make small books, mixed media paintings and calligraphy. Afterwards ,we popped into the Boulangerie for a snack, Oldest Child got a ham croissant. It wasn't any ordinary ham croissant, but a Jambon Mornay, a delicious, flaky pastry filled with ham, Gruyere and mornay sauce which is a cheesy bechamel. Oh, how I wished I had gotten one.
   And I was just complaining about nothing to do on rainy days.
Waiting to see the sun.
Keeping the house toasty warm- the fire is lit during all waking hours.
I am an early riser- rain + warm lightbulb.


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